Blue Frontier Wins BNEF Pioneers 2022 for Disruptive Energy Storage Air Conditioning Technology


Blue Frontier, Inc. was selected as a winner of the prestigious 2022 BNEF Pioneers award, which recognizes game-changing technologies with the potential to accelerate global decarbonization and halt climate change. BloombergNEF is a leading strategic research provider covering disruptive technologies on the pathways to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy.

This year, the BNEF team received more than 270 applicants and selected 23 finalists, who were then judged by a panel of BNEF experts to identify winners. These winners proved they offer a novel, scalable, and competitive solution and were judged on 3 fundamental criteria: Potential impact, Innovation and Likelihood of Adoption.

Read more — BNEF’s overview of the 2022 winners.

Blue Frontier, this year’s winner, is a hardtech, cleantech company that is reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and enabling the cost-effective adoption of sustainable energy. Blue Frontier and its industry thought-leading partners have reinvented human comfort to greatly improve occupant health and productivity while slashing the environmental impact of cooling on buildings – a top driver of global electricity demand and emissions.  


Air conditioning is the fastest growing use of electricity globally. As the planet warms, access to air conditioning has become a matter a public health and human development. The award recognizes Blue Frontier for its ability to deliver immense global climate impact by decreasing carbon emissions, accelerating the adoption of renewable energy, eliminating the use of high Global-Warming-Potential refrigerants, and by creating social equity through business models that make its products accessible.

Blue Frontier’s patented solutions include hyper-efficient comfort space conditioning, low-cost energy storage, and the use of its air conditioners as Utility-Managed Virtual Power Plants. Consumers can expect a 60%-90% reduction in cooling electricity usage. Embedded energy storage soaks up low-cost and excess renewable energy, allowing it to intelligently provide air conditioning with almost no electricity usage when the grid is congested and when renewable energy is no longer available. This avoids the need to dispatch peaking power plants and reduces the batteries required to meet renewable energy generation goals.

Dr. Daniel Betts, CEO of Blue Frontier, further comments, “The extraordinary flexibility of our product enables digital service solutions for the grid and for the building user. These services leverage the hyper efficient and flexible operation of our technology to independently control temperature, humidity, and outdoor air ventilation, such that the overall energy required to condition a space can be reduced while the comfort and health of people is optimized.”


“We at Blue Frontier are elated, as this award validates the importance of our mission to eliminate the tremendous climate impact of air conditioning. Widespread deployment of Blue Frontier technology will fundamentally change how people, the grid, and buildings interact with each other. This is an enormous mission, and through this award, BNEF and its partners are lending us a big hand in helping us achieve it.”

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